Friday, 14 December 2012

Story Of The Day: Emma And Susan

Our next 'Story of the Day' is Emma And Susan by Robert which has been recommended by LSF member, GuySpencer

"I can’t believe that I’m recommending a workplace spanking story for Story of the Day! The idea of any spanking, even the most chaste most consensual spanking, in the legalistic atmosphere of today’s workplace is simply unthinkable. I spent so many decades in the workplace and attended so many compulsory lectures from our Human Resources Department on how I should act towards the opposite gender, that I personally have trouble suspending disbelief for any workplace spanking story.

So how did this particular story manage to suck me in? It’s really hard to explain, except to say that the spanker’s inner feelings are so wonderfully articulated and the two spankings so lovingly described. The reactions of the two (young lady) spankees are quite different!

Actually, I could probably have made a good case for any of Robert’s stories. There are only five of them in the LSF and they are all excellent. His works haven’t gotten near the attention they deserve. Why not read all five?

A Manager spanks his disruptive young trainees after they embarrass him in front of important clients.

synopsis by PinkAngel

1 comment:

  1. Always love work place stories - M/F & F/M - but in the litigious world we are in I am afraid it can never work in real life - but it makes great fiction so thanks for doing it.
